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2501 East D St.
Tacoma, WA 98421
West End Of Freighthouse Square
Use this form for making reservations
Please indicate the time, number of persons, and if you will be ordering from the menu, or a Tea Party
Please allow us 3 days in advance to process your reservation request
occasionally an email reply to this form will go straight to your trash or spam folder
IMPORTANT: For groups of SIX or more, one check for the entire group will be issued
Reservations are HIGHLY recommended
for ALL Tea Parties.
Please use this contact form for making Reservations. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. THANKS!
You MUST receive a response from us before your reservation is actually made.
Parking across the street from our front door - in the Diamond Lot - is free with the use of a Parking Pass which we will give to you when you arrive.
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